Mongolia has close to 100 percent primary education enrollment and literacy rates with no gender disparity except lower attendance of children with disabilities.
However, in terms of content and quality, EDUCATION INEQUALITY among social classes is one of the most challenging socio-economic issues that Mongolia faces on its path to the sustainable and democratic development.
Educational system reform in Mongolia has been taking years and still lacks visible results due to inconsistent policy, weak management and fundings. Today, approximately 90 percent of school age children in Mongolia attend public schools where quality of education can not meet 21st century requirements in terms of curriculum content, methodology and tools. Small private schools, except a few expensive elite schools, aro also not much different.
Founders of STEAM EDUCATION (ШИМТ Боловсрол)’ LLC believe that equal opportunity for modern quality education is key to inclusive development of Mongolia. Among them, there is a teacher, a scientist, a software programmer, an investment analyst and a strategic manager and economist.
Most importantly, they all are parents of 2-3 kids and united by the willingness to contribute to educating young generation of Mongolia for a better future. Therefore, they took the initiative to develop national STEAM education program and built a team of experienced teachers and esteemed scholars.
© 2025 он. STEAM. Бүх эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Вэб хөгжүүлэгч Mind Agency