The main concept of “STEAM education” is to offer qualified education using the most modern methodological approaches and forms for the new centuries citizens based on their needs of the time and society.
Innovation plays as a key factor in enhancing the global competitiveness of nations and ensuring economic growth. There might be a global scarcity of talented and highly skilled labor force that can be a driving force of development and introduction of innovation. In addition, with the development of digitalization and robotic technology, many fields of occupations which based on the repetitive activities tend to be done without human involvement, and era of STEAM based education is nearly ahead of us.


The word STEАM itself stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics or in Mongolian ШИМТ+ (Шинжлэх ухаан, Инженерчлэл, Математик, Технологи +Сэтгэлгээ ба гоо зүй). This is basically a creative educational approach which seeks for obtaining knowledge and skills to study problems and make decisions at the high level of design thinking based on a mathematical approach.












Therefore, STEAM program is the complex concept which is didactically based on active learning methods to teacher-student cooperation, a real-world problem solving design thinking, and solution-oriented course structure, sequencing and tools.

Learning Pyramid

© 2025 он. STEAM. Бүх эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Вэб хөгжүүлэгч Mind Agency